Thursday, October 23, 2008

One More Week

One more week of working full time, then I can get back to part time...which means I can spend more time on book #2 and will be better about keeping my blog up to date.

Right now? Just so freakin glad tomorrow is Friday. I've got a nasty throat infection and have four articles to write tomorrow. Uggh. Okay, I'll stop complaining and drink my tea!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

When, Oh When Can I Run Again?

Okay, so it's been less than two weeks, but in physical therapy, I tried in vain to convince my PT that I can start running again...but he is just smiled and piled more ice on my ankle. Sigh. I am sneaking workouts on the elliptical at the gym though :-)

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm a bit pathetic

I promised a blow by blow of the marathon...but between running, working more than usual, writing/revising book #2 and taking care of a sick four-year-old...well, excuses excuses. I will make a concerted effort to resume my regular blogging soon! Bear with me!

Monday, October 6, 2008

26.2 Miles Complete

Portland Marathon: Check! I am exhausted, but promise a blow by blow blog of the run...I have lots of gems to share. Until then, will tell you my favorite sign held by a woman at mile 18 or so:

"Your feet hurt from kicking so much ass!"

That sums it up...but promise more later. For now, I will relax with a glass of wine!

Friday, October 3, 2008

This is it!

Sunday is the Portland marathon. WHAT have I gotten myself into? I've done all the training, so I'm just playing the mental game now. We leave for Portland Saturday morning and stay through Monday. If I am still coherent, we will be able to celebrate Sunday evening.

Writing Update: Turned in revisions to my agent on Tuesday. Yey! Now back to the current project...need to get that one done by the holidays (self imposed deadlines are great, eh?)