Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm Not Mother of the Year, Thanks to Barack

I had to turn Curious George off in order to watch Barack Obama's speech tonight. My four-year-old firmly protested this decision. I tried to get him to watch the speech. He did watch, a little bit...but he insists that daddy will be the next president. He did like the fireworks at the end though, and thought Obama's daughters were "beautiful." He's SUCH a boy.

But the speech. WOW. Just WOW.


Sushi said...

Poor kid. :) I remember my parents doing that sort of thing when I was his age. The closest I've got now is my cat glaring at me when I stop playing with him so I can watch speeches and/or debates.

Malia and Sasha are overwhelmingly adorable. Malia's definitely her mother's daughter (I'll bet Michelle and Barack are dreading her teenage years), and Sasha is SUCH a Daddy's Girl. Fortunately, Daddy seems to live quite firmly on her little finger.

Ingrid said...

My mom sat me down to watch the Nixon impeachment. I think I was three?

I'm guessing Michelle and Barack will have a good handle on those adorable girls when they are teens...although you are right, they've got daddy quite charmed :-)

Sushi said...

Holy crap. And I thought I had it bad when my parents made me watch the Mondale-Reagan debate. That was '84, so I would have been seven.

Ingrid said...

Well, at least you probably remember something from the debate :-)